Source code for cenv_tool.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Contain utils required by cenv-tool."""
import os
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
from subprocess import check_output
from subprocess import STDOUT
from typing import List
from typing import NoReturn

import jinja2
import six
import yaml
from marshmallow import ValidationError

from cenv_tool.schemata import SMetaYaml

CYAN = '\033[1;36m'
GREEN = '\033[1;32m'
RED = '\033[1;91m'
NCOLOR = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1;37m'

[docs]class CenvProcessError(Exception): """Represent a process error during cenv execution."""
[docs]def message( *, text: str, color: str, special: str = None, indent: int = 1 ) -> NoReturn: """Print passed ``text`` in the passed ``color`` on terminal. Parameters: text: the text to print colored on terminal. color: the color of the text to print. special: special kind of message to print. Available are ``'row'`` and ``'end'``. indent: the indent to use for the text. """ color_mapping = { 'red': RED, 'green': GREEN, 'cyan': CYAN, 'bold': BOLD, } if indent == 1: indent_prefix = ' ' * indent else: indent_prefix = ' ' + '│  ' * (indent - 1) special_mapping = { 'row': f'{indent_prefix}├── ', 'end': f'{indent_prefix}└── ', } if special: prefix = special_mapping[special] else: prefix = '' print(f'{prefix}{color_mapping[color]}{text}{NCOLOR}')
[docs]def run_in_bash(cmd: str) -> str: """Run passed ``cmd`` inside bash using :func:`subprocess.check_output`. Parameters: cmd: the command to execute. Returns: the output of the ran command. """ try: result = check_output([cmd], shell=True, stderr=STDOUT) except CalledProcessError as err: error_message = err.output.decode('utf8').split('\n') message(text='the following error occured:', color='red') for line in error_message: message(text=line, color='bold') raise CenvProcessError(str(err.output)) return result.strip().decode('ascii')
[docs]class _NullUndefined(jinja2.Undefined): """Handle jinja2-variables with undefined content of ``meta.yaml.``"""
[docs] def __unicode__(self): """Replace unicode dunder of this class.""" return six.text_type(self._undefined_name)
[docs] def __getattr__(self, attribute_name: str): """Replace getattr dunder of this class.""" return six.text_type(f'{self}.{attribute_name}')
[docs] def __getitem__(self, attribute_name: str): """Replace getitem dunder of this class.""" return f'{self}["{attribute_name}"]'
[docs]class _StrDict(dict): """Handle dictionaries for jinja2-variables of ``meta.yaml``."""
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: str, default: str = '') -> str: """Replace getitem dunder of this class.""" return self[key] if key in self else default
[docs]def extract_dependencies_from_meta_yaml(meta_yaml_content: dict) -> List[str]: """ Extract the dependencies defined in the requirements-run-section. If additional dev-requirements are defined in the extra-dev_requirements-section, these dependencies are added to the other dependencies. Parameters: meta_yaml_content: the content from a ``meta.yaml`` as a dict. Returns: the collected dependencies. """ # extract the dependencies defined the the requirements-run-section dependencies = meta_yaml_content['requirements']['run'] # remove the python version definition. The version will be extracted # from the extra-python section dependencies = list( filter( lambda x: x.split(' ')[0] != 'python', dependencies ) ) if meta_yaml_content['requirements'].get('run_constrained'): dependencies.extend( meta_yaml_content['requirements']['run_constrained'] ) if meta_yaml_content['extra'].get('dev_requirements'): dependencies.extend(meta_yaml_content['extra']['dev_requirements']) # append the python version to use in the conda environment dependencies.append(f'python {meta_yaml_content["extra"]["python"]}') return dependencies
[docs]def read_meta_yaml(path: Path) -> dict: """Read the meta.yaml file. The file is read from relative path ``conda-build/meta.yaml`` inside the current path, validate the ``meta.yaml`` using the marshmallow-schema, :class:`SMetaYaml`, extract the project-settings. Parameters: path: the current working directory. Returns: the ``meta.yaml`` content as a dict. """ # load the meta.yaml-content myaml_content = (path / 'conda-build/meta.yaml').open().read() jinja2_env = jinja2.Environment(undefined=_NullUndefined) jinja2_loaded_myaml = jinja2_env.from_string(myaml_content) render_kwargs = { 'os': os, 'environ': _StrDict(), 'load_setup_py_data': _StrDict, } rendered_myaml = jinja2_loaded_myaml.render(**render_kwargs) loaded_myaml = yaml.safe_load(rendered_myaml) # validate the content of loaded meta.yaml try: dumped = SMetaYaml(strict=True).dumps(loaded_myaml).data meta_yaml_content = SMetaYaml(strict=True).loads(dumped).data except ValidationError as err: message(text='meta.yaml file is not valid!', color='red') message(text=f'ValidationError in {err.args[0]}', color='red') raise # return combined collected project-settings return meta_yaml_content
[docs]def read_config(): """Read the config file for cenv from the users-home path if it exists. If there is no user-config-file the default one is used. Returns: the content of the read config file. """ user_config_path = Path.home() / '.config/cenv/cenv.yml' default_config_path = Path(__file__).parent / 'cenv.yml' # Collect settings from config file .cenv.yml main_config = yaml.safe_load( # if a user-config-file exists, read the content and update the main-config if user_config_path.exists(): user_config = yaml.safe_load( main_config.update(user_config) return main_config